lunes, 28 de julio de 2014

5 grade, 6 grade and 7 grade.

In the english class, the times is the most important thing and my teachers knew it, the more big part of my time I lear the Times, and in this grades i learn the past times. I learn more tings, but the most important is this. 

lunes, 21 de julio de 2014

Mi Knowledge in primary school '' 2 grade - 4 grade ''

In my third grade, my teachers teach me a new think, very necessary for my life, the numbers.

But the time is going very fast, and in my fourth grade i begin to learn the ''times'', and i begind with the presents times.

lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

My knowledge in the first grade

when i was a little boy my techers teach me and expñalin me wich are the parts of  the body , they give me a paper in which i needed to connnect the photo with his name, and of this form i can learn alll the parts of the body, i think that if i can learn these of this form you can learn this too.